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Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Our June holiday!

Lewis and I had a lovely little holiday down in the South of England for just over a week in June. We got to catch up with lots of our friends, and we had a really great time! The photos are all a bit mixed up though! Above is Lewis with Nathan ( We met up with Nathan and his (gorgeous) mum Anna towards the end of our holiday. We thought the boys looked cool in their matching chairs! Lew is making eyes at Anna while Nathan sleeps. I havent put a photo of Anna on because she's just too good looking - Lew was mesmerised! On the way home on the last day of our holiday, we visited Caz and Declan in Luton ( Caz made me the most scrumptious lunch (again!), and surprised me with the most awesome birthday gift (yes it was my 39th birthday on Saturday). Here is Lew making eyes at Caz, ANOTHER blonde lady! He has cream on his face as he got sand burn and it made his face sore. Its all fine now! Here is a gorgeous photo of Declan with his big bro Kyle and mad mummy Caz who is my best friend in the universe!
On the Monday of our holiday we drove down to West Sussex to stay at Butlins (hmmm no comment, we didnt like it). As we had a good drive down, we went across to Pagham to visit Aunty Nicola, Uncle Lee and Evie who were staying there in a caravan. We used to go there every year when we were children, so it was so cool to visit the old haunts, like this ancient church. In the caravan, Evie was let loose with the camera and took some fab pics ... above and below! While we were at Butlins (Bognor) we met up with postpals posties Niki, Kevin and Noah. We have been chatting with Niki for a while now so it was really special to finally meet up properly! And Noah is scrumptious and Lew adored him! Here is Lew with his Iggle Piggle which Niki, Kev and Noah gave him as a gift - THANK YOU! We miss you and hope you are having a great time in the US and that we can see you again soon! Niki lives in Brighton so we had a wonderful day there! Below is scrumptious Noah! See how mixed up these pics are! These photos are back at Pagham on the Monday!
On our way down to Bognor, we spent a wonderful weekend with my old school friend Mary and her 3 wonderful children. Below is Mary and my dad (Grandad Skinny) preparing the bbq food! It was delicious!
Here is Aime, and her brother James. Here is James again! Lewis ADORED James! Here is Lewis with his mad mum (me!). On the Sunday, we went to Bushy Park (near Hampton Court Palace) and played in the sandpit. It was great for Lew to experience this, and he loved watching the children playing too. Unfortunately though it was very windy and this is where he got his sand blasted face!
Below is Katie, Mary's eldest daughter. Here is Aime collecting sand! On the walk back home we had ice creams, yummm!
Here is Lewis with me and Mary. We really had a wonderful weekend and cant wait to go back down to see them again! Here is Lewis with me and Grandad Skinny! Mary and Lew (below) chilling out! Below, Lew is getting his legs buried in the sand!
Back in Mary's garden, James played BOO with Lewis and a jumper! Lew loved it!
It was great to learn that Mary and the children are great CHELSEA fans!!! Below ... we arrived at Mary's quite late on the Friday evening and the children were all in bed. Lew went straight to bed too. So in the morning, he was very excited to be woken up by Katie and Kitkat!
Grandad Skinny lives very close to Mary, so we went round to visit with him and his cat! We had a wonderful holiday, Lewis loved seeing everybody and getting lots of attention!


Anonymous said...

Hey you photoholic you hehehehe,

lovely photos of your holiday and the not so glamorous one of me, can i borrow your present hehehehee!!

It was so good to see you guys and have a good ole chat as well as some of the best snuggles ever with Lew, he is an amazing lil man with an even more incredible Mummy- yes SJ im giving you a compliment!!

Take care sweets

Love Cazzy Wazzy xxxx

Anonymous said...

Yeah we went to Bognor Butlins and hated it too!! Did you stay in the new hotel with the 'rough sea' corridors?

Unknown said...

Hey didn't know you would be in our neck of the woods! Our boys used to go to Butlins at Bognor on a day pass - dreadful place I understand, but they loved it as young teenagers - dread to think what they got up to. We have friends in Felpham so have done several walks around Pagham. Glad you managed to have a break.

Anonymous said...

Hey Lew and Sam,

Looks like you had a fabulous time playing with your friends in the sand! Loved the sand blast look!

Lots of love

Kerry xxxxx

Samantha Tolmie said...

Hello monkey, I am on holiday away from you, and I miss you all soooooooo much! I am only on the computer because the sunbathing area doesnt open until 10 รณ'clock!!! How silly!

See you on Wednesday, be good for Daddy and Granny and Grandad and give your brother a big great kiss from me too.

Love Mummy xxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Where are yooooooooooooooooooooou???

Take a look at other videos of Lewis at YouTube

The Lewis Jeynes Fund

The Lewis Jeynes Fund was established to provide care and support to Lewis Jeynes and the success of the Fund has meant that we have also been able to purchase specialist equipment for other children with undiagnosed neurologically degenerative conditions in Doncaster and the UK.

Lewis and his friends around the UK all suffer from acute and undiagnosed life limiting or terminal conditions and very often specialist equipment is difficult to afford due to the changed circumstances at home. This is where the Fund can provide vital assistance to those in need. All of the proceeds of the Fund go straight towards helping Lewis, and other children and families like him and us.

Contributions should be sent to The Lewis Jeynes Fund, 15 Kentmere Drive, Doncaster, DN4 5FL or by BACS to Nat West Bank, “The Lewis Jeynes Fund” Account No. 35662565 Sort Code 60 06 39. You can also go into your local Nat West Bank and pay into the Fund over the counter.

22nd October 2005

22nd October 2005
Lewis checking our supermarket receipt!

April 2006

April 2006
Colchester Zoo, just before Lew stopped walking

August 2006

August 2006
Lovely ice cream yummmm!

September 2006

September 2006
Ward 30 - just after Lews first major seizure

October 2006

October 2006
Doncaster childrens assessment unit - 'm on the phone!

October 2006

October 2006
In DRI childrens assessment unit blowing up rubber gloves!

30th November 2006

30th November 2006
Ward 31 - Blowing kisses to Daddy! Mwah!

30 November 2006

30 November 2006
Ward 31 - Playing cars!

1st December 2006

1st December 2006
Frankie & Benny's - just discovering cant eat very well

7th December 2006

7th December 2006
My arm doesnt work but my tongue still does!

7th December 2006

7th December 2006
Playing with Evie and mummy on the sofa

7th December 2006

7th December 2006
Lew in the bath with Evie providing entertainment!

7th December 2006

7th December 2006
At Homestart Christmas Party, waiting for Father Christmas with Aunty Nicola and Evie!

December 2006

December 2006
Playing with Miss Jodie at Building Blocks Nursery

i love you much (most beautiful darling) by e.e.cummings

i love you much (most beautiful darling), more than anyone on the earth and i like you better than everything in the sky -sunlight and singing welcome your coming although winter may be everywhere with such a silence and such a darkness, no one can quite begin to guess (except my life) the true time of year - and if what calls itself a world should have the luck to hear such singing (or glimpse such sunlight as will leap higher than high through gayer than gayest someone's heart at your each nearness) everyone certainly would (my most beautiful darling) believe in nothing but love

Lewis' cousin Millie

Lewis' cousin Millie
January 2007

Lewis and his cousin Evie

Lewis and his cousin Evie
February 2007

Lew and his cousin Anna

Lew and his cousin Anna
February 2007

12th December 2006

12th December 2006
DRI Christmas Party - meeting Father Christmas!

30th December 2006

30th December 2006
Lew in Ward 31, not very well

5th January 2007

5th January 2007
Ward 31 - playing with my lovely balloons!