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Friday, January 19, 2007

Bit late, but here's an update!

Hello everybody! Thank you for your comments, and sorry its been so long since our last update! Well, we came out of hospital on Friday 12th on home leave to see how we managed over the weekend, and then we had to go back on Monday for the doctors round to be formally discharged. So we came out on Monday morning and then we were back Monday evening!!! Lew was vomiting so we were a bit concerned! We stayed in Monday night and it was one of the most depressing nights/days I've had for a while. The room was dark and dingy and I had really had enough of being in hospital so by Tuesday I was really struggling. Lew was, of course, quite happy to watch hospital TV! We escaped on Tuesday evening and Lew seemed to have improved and (fingers crossed) no sickness yet. On Tuesday we went to the special seating clinic to see about a new pushchair/wheelchair for Lewis and a fab new chair has been ordered which will be ready in 3 weeks. On Wednesday we went to nursery to spend the day with Lewis' friends which he enjoyed so much, and so did I as it was sausage casserole and mash for lunch yummmmmmmm! (For me, not Lew, poor Lew was very confused at not being fed like the other children). Yesterday we spent a lovely day in town with Denise, Maisie and Oliver and got some marvellous bargains in Debenhams!!! We had a delicious lunch out and then had a mental time trying to get home as the strong winds had closed off all the roads!!! Today we are waiting for lots of visits! 1-1.30pm Lynda coming from Bluebell Wood 2pm Health Visitor coming 3.30pm conservatory quote man coming 4.30pm Ian massage man coming to give me a massage this evening - James sister coming to cook us a meal yummmmm yummmmm! Also ... at some point we are expecting the pdn (paediatric district nurse) to come as today Lewis decided to pull his tube half way out of his nose arrgghhhh! Please send your love to our very good friends Yolanda and Stephen and Naomi and Joshua and of course little Joel ... Joel is in hospital at the moment as they are concerned that he may have pneumonia. Also please think about Laura's nan who is poorly. Then tomorrow I've got to sort out all the stuff in the garage!


Lawse x said...


thanks for the update :)

Yay 4 Lew getting a fabby new chair :) hehe

Hospital tv.... helps the time pass for the little-ones doesn't it, helps take their little minds of things for a bit :)

Glad you hada lovely day yesterday, very well deserved n needed i expect.

Hope todays been ok, sounds like its been a hectic one.

Poor Joel too :(
hope he is ok, and improves soon and such like.

its such a shame anyone has to go through these kinda times, spesh young children though :( poor nans poorly..sadly shes terminally ill though... shes got bone cancer and basically its just a case of reducing her pain and bidding her some time.
But, shes had a good week this week..and i had her laughing and smiling on sunday and monday so things are ok :) thanks for the concern though.

ive babbled on long enough.

i, for one, think you deserve a bit of a well earned break!.. lewis too, the whole family really!

don't work too hard spending too much time in the garage..put your feet up for a bit or something :)

hope you all have a good weekend

take care

lawse :)

Samantha Tolmie said...

HI Laura

I am knackered! Have spent all morning sorting out the garage and also Lewis' toys that are no use to him anymore so we have taken alot to the charity shop and also sorted out some stuff for friends who have children and alot of rubbish that has gone in the bin too!

We ordered the coolest thing today with Lewis' money (we're saving money for him). Its called laser cosmos projector and its at Its fab! Well it looks fab - hope its that fab when it arrives!

I am so sad to hear about your nan. It is lovely though that you are able to enjoy some time with her in her last months/weeks. She is very lucky to have you!

Speak soon, love smnth xx

Lawse x said...


only just seen your reply..sorry..

I'm gunna go have a look at what you ordered Lewis from that site... Am sure he will love it and appreciate it though :) Much fun to be had, im sure! :D

Yep... my poor nan bless her, i've been away for the weekend...was a friends 18th and i travelled most of Saturday to get there lol, but i'm off to see my Nan tomorrow hopefully, hopefully she will be having an "ok" day and wont be in too much pain and such like.

Take care, and i hope things are all "ok" your end x

Will email you soon, i need sleep now though..been a hectic few days!

Take a look at other videos of Lewis at YouTube

The Lewis Jeynes Fund

The Lewis Jeynes Fund was established to provide care and support to Lewis Jeynes and the success of the Fund has meant that we have also been able to purchase specialist equipment for other children with undiagnosed neurologically degenerative conditions in Doncaster and the UK.

Lewis and his friends around the UK all suffer from acute and undiagnosed life limiting or terminal conditions and very often specialist equipment is difficult to afford due to the changed circumstances at home. This is where the Fund can provide vital assistance to those in need. All of the proceeds of the Fund go straight towards helping Lewis, and other children and families like him and us.

Contributions should be sent to The Lewis Jeynes Fund, 15 Kentmere Drive, Doncaster, DN4 5FL or by BACS to Nat West Bank, “The Lewis Jeynes Fund” Account No. 35662565 Sort Code 60 06 39. You can also go into your local Nat West Bank and pay into the Fund over the counter.

22nd October 2005

22nd October 2005
Lewis checking our supermarket receipt!

April 2006

April 2006
Colchester Zoo, just before Lew stopped walking

August 2006

August 2006
Lovely ice cream yummmm!

September 2006

September 2006
Ward 30 - just after Lews first major seizure

October 2006

October 2006
Doncaster childrens assessment unit - 'm on the phone!

October 2006

October 2006
In DRI childrens assessment unit blowing up rubber gloves!

30th November 2006

30th November 2006
Ward 31 - Blowing kisses to Daddy! Mwah!

30 November 2006

30 November 2006
Ward 31 - Playing cars!

1st December 2006

1st December 2006
Frankie & Benny's - just discovering cant eat very well

7th December 2006

7th December 2006
My arm doesnt work but my tongue still does!

7th December 2006

7th December 2006
Playing with Evie and mummy on the sofa

7th December 2006

7th December 2006
Lew in the bath with Evie providing entertainment!

7th December 2006

7th December 2006
At Homestart Christmas Party, waiting for Father Christmas with Aunty Nicola and Evie!

December 2006

December 2006
Playing with Miss Jodie at Building Blocks Nursery

i love you much (most beautiful darling) by e.e.cummings

i love you much (most beautiful darling), more than anyone on the earth and i like you better than everything in the sky -sunlight and singing welcome your coming although winter may be everywhere with such a silence and such a darkness, no one can quite begin to guess (except my life) the true time of year - and if what calls itself a world should have the luck to hear such singing (or glimpse such sunlight as will leap higher than high through gayer than gayest someone's heart at your each nearness) everyone certainly would (my most beautiful darling) believe in nothing but love

Lewis' cousin Millie

Lewis' cousin Millie
January 2007

Lewis and his cousin Evie

Lewis and his cousin Evie
February 2007

Lew and his cousin Anna

Lew and his cousin Anna
February 2007

12th December 2006

12th December 2006
DRI Christmas Party - meeting Father Christmas!

30th December 2006

30th December 2006
Lew in Ward 31, not very well

5th January 2007

5th January 2007
Ward 31 - playing with my lovely balloons!