Today we saw Lewis' neurologist for an update.
There is a meeting of neurologists tonight at which they will discuss Lewis's MRI scans and then let us know the results. The doctors are still trying to decide if the changes in Lewis's cerebellum are an infection which has been and gone or one that is still progressing. The neurologist mentioned that they would have expected to have seen degeneration in his brain because of his 'degenerative neurological condition' (which we found very upsetting as we've never considered this) but we still hope this is a post infection stage and that the changes/damage will stop or has stopped.
A further EEG, new nerve conduction tests and a gag reflex review are being arranged. Its upsetting to think that Doctor's expect Lewis to degenerate further and are not surprised when he does, we still hope we can find something to halt that process and start the road to recovery. Nothing will stop us looking for the answers, Lewis is too brave and gorgeous and deserves to find the cure he needs.
It was also very upsetting for the doctor to say they would do a further MRI in 2 years. All I can see is Lewis' life stretching ahead of him like this, with no hope and no cure. To us 2 years is a lifetime - anything could happen in that time and we've been so hopeful with Lewis' response to antibiotics with his improved head control and cognitive abilities and now with the changes to his MRI we feel like we are taking a huge step back to square one where we know nothing and anything could happen - so it was a very tearful appointment.
We love you Lewis x x x